Thursday, June 7, 2007

Back Hit Exercise

Out with Karen a local golfer......we had a 9 hole lesson to learn a little about course management and practice the back hit drill.

Karen is trained in book keeping and as such she is very analytical......meaning she judges everything based on results and believes if I do this part right I should expect this result. One of her habits is judging and commenting on every shot and looking for a reason WHY this or that happened.

I simply asked her to say "BACK" out loud when she had completed her back swing and "HIT" when she made contact with the ball.....and finally not to judge her shot's as being good or bad.

Unfortunately for Karen she had been providing herself with so much negative self was a in some way no suprise that she has continued to struggle with her golf.

With using the Back/Hit exercise on every shot she started to feel where the club head was and as a result she then began to hit good solid golf shots.

If you are getting tied up in mechanics try the back hit exercise.

One great result for Karen was she was able to hit 2 solid 3 iron shots. I asked her to pick a club she didn't like.....she picked the 3 iron. Her first hit was terrible, when she regained focus on the club head and did the exercise correctly, the ball flew beautifully.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Feel the Club head

Out coaching again at our local driving range here in Te Awamutu.

The session I did actually didn't focus on any of the normal do this do that type of golf instruction. What I asked the student to concentrate on was "feeling the club head".

This is not as easy as what most people think. We are so conditioned at looking at and hitting the golf ball we actually have no clue as to where our club head is. Ernest Jone's in the early 30's wrote extensively about the importance of the club head.

I asked the student to close his eye's as a means of really feeling where the club head was in the back swing and forward swing. After about 15 minutes he actually got it.

His back swing slowed down about half the speed of his normal swing. As a direct result of feeling the club head he had to slow down. The forward swing the same results terms of feeling.

My student couldn't believe how far the ball went by simply slowing down and feeling where the club head was.

At the end of the day it is the club head that we swing......try this drill at home or the driving range.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Putting Zone Instruction

I completed a great session of putting instruction with two brother's Shane and Ryan. The key area we worked on was "Distance control" by using proper tempo.

For those new to the puttingzone techniques we use our shoulder's and NOT our hands to make the stroke.

Our brain is a wonderful target and distance computer for letting us know exactly how far to make the stroke.

Two days after our first lesson Shane only had 10 putts over 9 holes. He went on to shoot is lowest score ever. He is a 17 handicapper and shot 80 off the stick!!!

The two brothers are 13 and 16.

A free video of their before and after putting stroke can be seen at my golf instruction website

Monday, May 21, 2007

Swing the "Club head"

A great "swing thought" to have before making your swing is to sense or feel where the club head is in your backswing and then throw the club head through he ball.

One of the old time golf instructors back in the 30's based his whole golf instruction on this one single principle.

So when you are at the top of your back swing simply feel where the club head is and then start your downswing with the single focus of throwing the club head through the ball

click here for more golf tips

Saturday, May 19, 2007

A "Perfect Swing" Golf Instruction

Dan Shauger demonstrates the "A Perfect Swing" method. Over 70 years practice and research by Dan and Mike Austin has gone into the development of this unique golf instruction.

For Books...DVD's or lesson's visit my golf instruction site to learn the perfect swing

A Perfect Swing Golf Instruction

Dan Shaugers "A Perfect Swing" method. Some basic problems that face beginners and suggested options to fix.

For Books...DVD's...and lesson's visit my golf instruction site at

Putting Zone Instruction

Geoff Mangum world renowned Putting Expert introduces his proven putting system.

Eliminating 3 putts and making more 1 putts is a reality with his putting system

For lesson's and free putting video's of students learning to puttt using the puttingzone system visit my golf instruction putting website at......

A Perfect Swing Golf Instruction

Dan Shaugers "A perfect Swing" method for better iron play, especially using your wedges. Watch the unique way we use our hands

For Books...DVD's...or lesson's visit my golf instruction website

A Perfect Swing Golf Instruction

Dan Shaugers "A Perfect Swing" method. The importance of swinging the club from inside to out.

For Books,DVD's and lesson's visit my golf instruction website

Geoff Mangum

Please excuse the quality of this video.....But the information Geoff Mangum shares on Putting is worth the time watching this video.

More information or one on one lesson's visit my golf instruction putting website

Geoff Mangum

Golf Instruction putting from world renowned putting expert Geoff Mangum.

Video taken in Florida..... unfortunately the quality is not the best, however the information is great. For lesson's and more information visit

Long Drive Interview

Craig Frost finished in the top 10 Long Drivers in New Zealand with a drive of 330 meter's. He gives an insight in learning the long drive methods of Dan Shaugers "How to Kill the Ball. A video of his swing is found at my golf instruction website under FREE golf lesson's.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Dan Shauger "How to Kill the Ball"

Enjoy this video on "How to Kill the Ball"

Dan Shauger "How to Kill the Ball"