Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Can you Move your Head and still hit the Ball?

YES you can.

However most club golfers who MOVE their heads create fat or topped shots on a consistant basis. You reduce your accuracy of your shots when you move your head.

If your goal is to bring the golf club back to your original set up position you should NOT move your head. Why would you want to create a extra movement and instantly take yourself out of alignment.

The POLE drill is an excellent drill to train your feet, Knees, Hips and lastly your shoulders to make a great turn without moving your head.

The great thing about our swing is our understanding of the "Swing Circle Centre" that is located at the back of your neck. From this swing circle centre we turn and rotate around this FIXED POINT. It does not move.

For more consistent and solid shot's use the "pole drill" without moving your head. If you find a restriction in regards to your backswing accept at the present as you will be able to still make a very solid golf swing.

Time and time again I have seen golfers hit the ball more consistently with shorter back swings. Shoulder height is really all you need to get to. STRAINING to get to parallel or trying to turn further generally results in golfers MOVING off the ball. Mentally saying to themselves "the further I turn back the further I will hit the ball"!!!!

Extending the arc of your swing does create an opportunity to hit the ball further as you have more time to generate club head speed. BUT DON'T move your head in the process. You will kill your golf shot and cause yourself a hell of alot of frustration.

To hit further swing shorter, stay within your current flexability. Use the pole drill often to exercise your body and in grain the proper movements.


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