Tuesday, November 21, 2006

A right Upper Cut versus a right Hook

Out again with another golf student today. She had a beautiful golf swing that we had developed for her using the 21st Century golf swing method.

But like anything golf things do fall apart at the seams when we ignore or forget about the basics. After watching a couple of swings I noticed she was drawing the ball rather strongly, not quite a hook just a big draw.

We started with her grip then her stance and then her takeway. Everything was fine so we practised the little shot. Again nice and crisp. Then we moved to the 1/2 shot again nice and crisp.

Okay then we went to the 3/8 shot with weight shift and hello, the little big draw showed up uninvited!!!

Automatically the alarm bells went off and I could see the problem. I asked her to picture herself as a prize fighter and that her favourite punch was going to be a very strong right upper cut.

So she went through her routine, got to the top of her swing, followed the moving plane and just before impact threw a beautiful right upper cut that sent the ball long and straight.

What she was doing...... which is a major mistake in this swing was just before impact she would throw a right hook, which made her hands cross over and caused her shoulders to open or turn too much.

We don't want the shoulders to turn!!!! We want them to go up and down. The hands TURN the club head through the ball.

So next time you are at the driving range try this technique. Remember right upper cut NOT right hook.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Moving golf plane

I completed a very good day of golf instruction today with a 24 handicapper.

Dave is a high profile business person who is very successful and respected within the building trade.

He purchased "How to kill the Ball" course from me. The book and 3 DVD's. After about 4 days we got together to discuss his golf swing and practice at the local driving range.

We started the golf lesson by looking at the grip and from here I asked Dave to hit the little shot. The little shot allows golfers to develop the feel of the golf club in their hands and to also understand what part the wrists play in the 21 century golf swing.

After hitting some very crisp little shots we moved to the half shot and then to the 3/4 shots.
Again his striking the ball was very crisp and straight.

The main reason that Dave had success in swing the golf club, was the fact that I got him to understand the moving plane that we teach our students. Yes there is not one plane or 2 planes just one "moving plane".

Understanding this moving plane allowed Dave to hit his straightest irons he has ever hit. His distance with the wedge through to the 7 iron were very consistent. (Something that he had not experienced before) He even had the cheek to pull out a 4 iron which he never hits and deliver a very straight and long ball. (Okay he duffed the first one, but nailed the second)

I am convinced that if golfers gain an understanding of the moving plane of the golf swing,they will learn one of the secrets to their golf swing.

The moving plane concept is a big topic and discussed at length in the 21st Century golf swing

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Roll over or Roll under

The new golf swing instruction by Dan Shauger has caused quite a stir amongst golfers and golf instructors alike.

He advocates a under arm style of releasing the golf club, yes under arm. The conventional wisdom is the roller over of the forearms. This new style of releasing the wrists under and through has a huge amount of credability.


Because it reduces potentially errors substantially. Imagine a straight up and down action versus a side to side action. If you can get that concept you will begin to understand how this new thinking will inspire changes in golf instruction.

However because of Marketing constraints and old fashion thinking it will take sometime to turn golfers around to the new 21st Century golf swing.